Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saving Shopping Online

Do you shop online much? I do. I find that I save more money when I do, because I tend to not impulse buy so much. The only down side is shipping costs. However, if you go through Ebates you can offset some of the cost with their cashback rebate program. So, whenever I go shopping online I start at I look up the store on the main screen on the left. If it is there (and it is most of the time), it directs me to their site and automatically creates a tracking ticket so that when I check out at that store, Ebates knows how much I spent. The Ebate site will tell you how much of a rebate they are currently offering before you click over. They deposit the current rebate offer into my account, and I get a Big Fat Check cut from all of my purchases quarterly (actually, I just have it all deposited in my PayPal account, as it is easier that way). If you click on my link, you will get a bonus for signing up through me after you are qualified.

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