Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saving with Homemade Laundry Soap

Laundry detergent is expensive. I spent the past couple of years timing my detergent purchases for when I had a Target coupon, a manufacturer's coupon and there was a sale on Tide all at the same time. I cheered when I got my 92 load bottle for $16. Those days are in the past. Now, I get about 920 loads for under $20. I have been using this formula for a month now, and find no difference in the cleanliness of my clothing. I even love the scent!

1 bar Kirk's Castile Soap, shredded
1 c. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 
1 c. Borax (20 oz. box - $4.86)
1 c. Oxy Clean (optional)

Mix together and store in an airtight container.

Use as little as 1 Tbsp. per load! 

Use white vinegar for fabric softener.

Some people use Fels Naptha soap instead of Castile, and this is okay if you don't have an HE machine. If you do have an HE machine, you need to be aware that Fels Naptha is made with animal fat, which can cause accumulation in your drain and lead to clogs. Castile soap is made with vegetable fats and will break down more quickly, especially with the use of vinegar as fabric softener.

I can hear you asking, "Vinegar? Isn't that going to make my laundry stink?" No, I promise you that you won't be able to smell it after the laundry is dry. The scent dissipates completely, and you will be left with the light fragrance of the Kirk's Castile soap.  

If you have heard about homemade laundry soap on other web sites, you may have read that people normally find these ingredients at the hardware store. If you are in Waconia, you won't find them there. I was able to find a miniature bottle of Borax that cost more than a large box should at Hardware Hank. The only place I found all three ingredients was at Mackenthun's. The Borax and washing soda were right next to each other (and the Fels Naptha - homemade laundry soap must be pretty popular around here), and the Kirk's Castile soap was in the personal care soap aisle near the checkout aisles. The prices were good. I happened to already have a box of Oxy Clean laying around, but I know they carry that, too.

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